Tuesday, June 16, 2009

crazy day..

okay. it's really bored. really really bored.
I'm almost going to faint when teacher said "you have to pass up your mini-mac tommorow. before twelve."
t0mmorow? before twelve?? I can't do this~! It's just... totally crazy!!!
haiz... but i just have >to do this.. or else we're disqualified..
well... I saw something i really didn't want to see.. it's just making me even crazier..!!
okay ignore it. Let's say I'm dreaming. It's just a fake figure. ohhh.. WHATEVER~~~!!!

1 comment:

  1. saw what??吼~你讲话可以不要吊人家的胃口吗?说一半不说一半,很讨厌耶!
